Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tips for me or for you ?

If you have blog and you want to increase traffic please follow the steps below :
  1. Signup to gmail
  2. Login and verifying your blog at
    You just login with your Google account and you will get everything (Single Sign On).
    After verifying, please create a sitemap. Just type "atom.xml" then your blog will be indexed by Google.
  3. Please sigup to , , and make your own wiki here. You can write everything even not related to your site. Optimise your web by spread up your web label.
  4. Sign up to to grap your blog and save your blog history. If someone want to feed your blog they just collect from feedburner.
  5. Blog walking to another blog so yau can write comment and add your blog link as backlink.
  6. Promote your blog my mailing list or your friend.
  7. Update your blog as can you do so your blog is active and up to date.

I don't know

I don't know what must be write on this page. I'am a beginner in blogworld. But I think blog is one of "die die must try". You must try before you die !

Indonesia is my lovely country. Even my country is number one in corruption but I'am still love. Right or wrong is still my country. This looks like a cauvinism but every people must say that. Every people must to love their country what ever.

I lives in Indonesia for 33 years. Is old too much ? maybe ... but I may never make something that usefull or can be proud to my country.

Ok, dont worry you can still spread Indonesian name across nation by Internet. Blog is free way to do that.
Oke? tetap semangat !